Senin, 06 Juni 2016


Name               : Dhea Violetha Aisy Prayudha
Class                : J
Facculty          : FKIP/PGSD

I will tell you about my hobby. My hobby is a playing games,  playing drums and I love music. It can be said I was a drummer and singer. I am playing drums when I was tired or stressed I can take it out by playing the drums. As well as the game , it can be said I am a player who had been addicted dota game. I really love the game, in fact not the only game dota but everything game. I love it. I also like to play that drums had to vent stress,  sometimes willing to hold my sleepy to play the game every night. Perhaps a little unkind, and I admit it, but now it is gradually reduced.

            I love all genre of music , from dangdut until metal . But I preffer like jazz and metal . I liked music metal ,from Hardcore, Metalcore, Metal, Rock, Slowrock, Heavymetal etc. I love it so much, when I was junior high school i have been following the audition and local music festival in my regency , need the time to look genre of every music. I must say it’s very difficult to understand but if there is interest and talent it believe it will be easier. Get applause from the audience , become a guest at an event music , and get my own money that was the things i enjoy from 3 years ago until now . Although, many people underestimates my capability , but now i have prove that i can also above them.

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